Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What color is time?

Once again, it has been quite a while since I write. Again, lots has happened since I last wrote. In another tiny nutshell here's the breakdown: I gave birth to my amazing son Angelo Salvatore, I once again decided to move back to the US and in the midst of it all I am still searching for answers. I remain unable to give you a clear perspective on this journey. All I can say is that I follow my heart wherever it takes me. 2010 in Italy was absolutely amazing and totally necessary. I needed to know what it was like! Although, due to circumstances beyond my control (immigration, economy and family) I am back to once more starting over. A child changes everything but a lot remains the same from the day I began this amazing journey. I still want a simple life, I still abhor materialism and superficiality. However, money is a necessary evil and in order to see my family often and allow my child to have a relationship with them I had to move back here because my husband's salary wouldn't have been enough to visit as often as we'd like. All this running around has left me with one wish I can't fulfill. Can I please freeze time? It all seems to be happening so quickly! I left, I gave birth, I came back and it all seems to have happened so fast. Why do you think that is? And now, as I watch my little one's milestones and his rapid growth I wonder what I can do to slow it all down a bit... I WANT TO SAVOR IT ALL! But thinking it through now, if my desire in all of this is to freeze time, then I must be having fun. I am actually enjoying my life. If it was horrible I would want it to all just speed by. So what have I really done this year? I have been learning to be happy and cherish every second of my life. I am learning to live like I'm dying (totally stole that from a song).

I want to read, write, paint and sing more. But for now all those things can wait because watching my little one grow is taking all of my time and there's nothing more beautiful and amazing than watching him grow close to the people I love. Plus, I will be making sure I savor life, even if it means doing crazy things like breastfeeding at the Colosseum (see pic). So I guess what I am saying is that I am still not going to be that consistent blogger I want to be and this is, I guess, my apology; but I will be watching my little one blossom, visit as many places as possible with my amazing life partner and with that being very happy. So farewell until the next time, hopefully soon, but if not in the meantime I hope you're out there cherishing EVERY second of your life too because they are all precious.