Monday, November 14, 2011

Life is the color we paint it

If we only realized that every moment is once-in-a-lifetime we'd invest in them fully. We'd laugh harder and cry faster, love more often than we judge, live fearlessly and take it all for what it's worth -- our life. Each moment makes up what we sum up to be a lifetime. Living like your dying is not easy for those of us who have the time to worry about the little things in life. Stop looking back and stop worrying about tomorrow, this moment right here, this second is precious for it will never come back and you can never change it. So, live like this second is precious. Cherish the people in your life and love them, truly love them. Because that is all you'll really care to have when you're old, the people you loved.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The color of resurgence

Life is like a bowl of spaghetti, it's only good if you stir the pot.